Last Sunday 4 December Bowls Canterbury Hosted an open “Have a Go” day and what a fantastic day it was! Thank you to Kevin Smith for the article.

Erica AyresNews

In the spirit of inclusiveness and support of the Bowls New Zealand‘s Summerset Open Disability Nationals, Bowls Canterbury hosted a “Have a Go” similar event at the weekend.

Fourteen folks came along, many with other family members, and a great deal of FUN was enjoyed by all. The music was playing, the sausage sizzle was fired up and everyone went away with a small prize. The smiles and laughter added to the glorious sunny day. The best outcome of the day was that everyone was asking to do it again!

The quote of the day came from the Nana of a 15-year-old young fellow – “ how did you get ………… to smile”.

Special thanks to Erica, Meg, and Lorraine from Bowls Canterbury, whose idea it was, and Mitch from the Halberg Foundation for donating some giveaways for prizes. We will be doing it all again in February.